A Brief Explanation

This blog is part of the curriculum for the seminar class, Process to Synthesis taught at Mississippi University for Women. The class is designed to help junior-level art students find coherence in their art, their thinking, their process, and their aesthetics.

As a part of that course; this site will publish lectures, readings, and assignments and will promote discussion. Right now, this site is still being updated and adjusted, though the class has been running since 2014.

Monday, January 20, 2014

In response to Brittany Twilley's post about album covers, I have a few more examples: some I from albums I enjoy, some from ones I knew about and a few that were a surprise to me.

artwork by Raymond Pettibon (we will be looking at him)

Both of these are by Takashi Murakami, an artist that is emblematic of many of themes of this class.

Kanye again, this time with artwork by George Condo.

Here are a few examples of albums i was not aware of:

Damien Hirst
.....and surprisingly this is also Damien Hirst, though I'm not sure how hard he was working.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. ah yeah, the kanye west one! good looking out alex.
    also i forgot about 30 Seconds to Mars.. Damien Hirst's dots is on their latest one
