A Brief Explanation

This blog is part of the curriculum for the seminar class, Process to Synthesis taught at Mississippi University for Women. The class is designed to help junior-level art students find coherence in their art, their thinking, their process, and their aesthetics.

As a part of that course; this site will publish lectures, readings, and assignments and will promote discussion. Right now, this site is still being updated and adjusted, though the class has been running since 2014.

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

This story from the Wall St. Journal gets more interesting as it unfolds.

1 comment:

  1. i read the article before i watched the video & then when i watched the video my brain exploded. that is a LOT of paper. i liked the Bust of Michelangelo.

    here's a link to an artist I found on the sadly cancelled tv show Work of Art... she also likes making things out of paper : )
