A Brief Explanation

This blog is part of the curriculum for the seminar class, Process to Synthesis taught at Mississippi University for Women. The class is designed to help junior-level art students find coherence in their art, their thinking, their process, and their aesthetics.

As a part of that course; this site will publish lectures, readings, and assignments and will promote discussion. Right now, this site is still being updated and adjusted, though the class has been running since 2014.

Sunday, February 15, 2015

One more post from this weeks media assignment:

James Thurber's "The Little Girl and the Wolf":

One afternoon a big wolf waited in a dark forest for a little girl to come along carrying a basket of food to her grandmother. Finally a little girl did come along and she was carrying a basket of food. "Are you carrying that basket to your grandmother?" asked the wolf. The little girl said yes, she was. So the wolf asked her where her grandmother lived and the little girl told him and he disappeared into the wood.

When the little girl opened the door of her grandmother's house she saw that there was somebody in bed with a nightcap and nightgown on. She had approached no nearer than twenty-five feet from the bed when she saw that it was not her grandmother but the wolf, for even in a nightcap a wolf does not look any more like your grandmother than the Metro-Goldwyn lion looks like Calvin Coolidge. So the little girl took an automatic out of her basket and shot the wolf dead.

(Moral: It is not so easy to fool little girls nowadays as it used to be.)

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